Check to see that actions are being carried out
It is necessary to monitor and assess how community resource management is functioning. This means seeking answers to questions such as the following.
- Does the Community Resource Management Committee meet regularly?
- Does it have the support of community leaders? - the church? - the people?
- Do people respect the community rules established by the committee?
- Does it enforce the community rules and regulations that have been agreed to?
Check to see if the plan is working
It is also necessary to monitor and assess if the applied rules are achieving (or at least progressing towards) the intended goal. If this is not the case then different actions must be applied.
This may mean seeking answers to questions similar to the following ones.
- Is the fish reserve working? Are numbers of fish increasing?
- Is the ban on fishing with nets increasing the numbers of fish?
- Is the tabu on catching certain species resulting in a greater number of fish?
- Are catches improving, or at least not decreasing?
If the rules are not working, then some other measures will have to be taken.
See below the plan reviews toolkit
Plan reviews toolkit