4th Community-based Fisheries Dialogue (2024)


The Fourth Community-Based Fisheries Dialogue (CBFD4) was held on 12-13 November 2024 at the Holiday Inn in Suva, Fiji. The CBFD4 was chaired by Ms Aydah Akao from Solomon Islands and supported by the Vice-Convenor, Mr Niegel Rozet from Hawaii.
The CBFD4 focused on reviewing past CBFD activities, hearing the voice of the CSOs and NSAs, local surveillance and enforcement in the community-based fisheries context, traditional knowledge and practices in connection with the sea and resources, how small-grants become an effective mechanism to fund the contribution of CSOs to scaling CBFM, and the future outlook of the CBFD. The session topics were identified and designed based on the needs identified at the CBFD3 and each session was delivered through a mix of presentations, plenary, breakout group discussion, talanoa and panel discussions.

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Joint Event
Suva, Fiji
Start Date
End Date