Regional CBFM Scaling-up Course (2024)


Access the presentations and training resources

Presentations: Link here

Training ressources: Link here

Access the contacts Link here

Overal aims of the course

The modules aim to provide core skills and develop critical and innovative thinking for scaling-up CBFM. This responds to a key ambition under the regional CBFM scaling-up Framework for Action , which is understood as supporting widespread natural resource management and sustainable community livelihoods in Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTS) and other Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The modules draw particularly on successful regional experiences and build on directives from other relevant regional and international policies . The focal skills that will be developed include:
•    Develop basic understanding of key elements of community resilience including basic natural resource management, conservation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and recognition and maintenance of cultural capital to foster food security and livelihood.
•    Develop basic understanding of the wider governance context affecting or supporting sustainable natural resource-based community livelihoods. 
•    Develop critical thinking and strategic planning capacity to assess how to support large amounts of coastal communities across a country or province in more cost-effective ways and in the long term (understand current issues with the implementation of CBFM, the need for scaling-up and its different components).

Joint Partner
Experts from SPC, LMMA, UOW, and cChange
Joint Event
Suva, Fiji
Start Date
End Date