On the land natural resources can include plants, fresh-water sources, animals and minerals. In the sea natural resources can include mangroves, seagrass, coral, fish, marine animals, sand and gravel, or clean sea water.
What natural resources does the livelihood idea need or rely on and how much will be available?
- Where will activities happen (e.g. farmland, mangroves, deep sea, shallow sea, reef)?
- What must this place be like (e.g. fertile, access to fresh water, cleared land, weak currents)?
- What plants and animals will be directly used or affected by the livelihood idea and how many/much are available?
How are these natural resources already being used, and how will your use affect them in the future?
- Who is already using these resources and how are they being used?
- Do men, women or other groups have different uses for these resources?
- Who makes decisions about these resources?
- Will your use of resources affect other people?
- Do people feel that these resources are healthy, improving or, getting worse?
- Are you sure that using this resource will not damage it or reduce your chances to use it in the future?
- Is there a possibility that other resource uses or users could affect the resources you are interested in (e.g. logging, mud covering the reef)?
- Do you have permission or authority to use these resources now and in future?
How can you work with these, resources in the future without spoiling or finishing the resource?
- Will your use affect other resources (plants, animals or places)?
- Are steps being taken to manage the resource use wisely (e.g. management plans, conservation areas, traditional tabus). If not, can you take these steps?
- How will you know how much of the resources you can use?
- How will you be able to tell if the resource is being badly affected?
Next step