Le mouvement 4FJ (Pour les Fidji) s’emploie à attirer l’attention sur la question du devenir de la pêche aux Fidji. Ses activités s’articulent autour des thèmes suivants : l’accroissement démographique, la création de revenus, les engins de pêche modernes, l’amélioration de l’accès aux marchés et les problèmes environnementaux qui menacent la pérennité des ressources halieutiques des Fidji. La durabilité de la pêche dans le pays est essentielle pour la sécurité alimentaire et les moyens de subsistance de la population, ainsi que pour préservation durable des côtes et de l’océan.
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La campagne Fish Smart (Pêchez malin) du mouvement 4FJ est coordonnée par cChange avec le soutien du Programme de partenariat marin Union européenne-Pacifique (PEUMP). Elle s’appuie sur les conseils de la Communauté du Pacifique et du Réseau international d’aires marines gérées localement, et bénéficie également du concours financier de l’Union européenne, du Gouvernement suédois et de Bloomberg Philanthropies au titre de la Vibrant Oceans Initiative.
All documents
Tous les documents
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: Fish smart [Hand out] cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/v37xj
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: Nai dusidusi me lelevu ka uasivi na ika eda qoliva [Booklet] [in Fijian] cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/jpfj8
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: Offical rules: legal sizes, set sizes & banned marine species in Fiji [Guide] cChange, the Ministry of fisheries of Fiji, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/o2p5u
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: A guide to bigger, better catches [Booklet] cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://www.spc.int/digitallibrary/get/fsuny
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: Fish smart [Branding tools] cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/f2k4z
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: How does your fish measure up? [Banner] cChange, the Ministry of fisheries of Fiji, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/2z79k
ccChange. 2022. 4FJ: Say no to undersied fish [Poster] cChange, the Ministry of fisheries of Fiji, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/h55i5
cChange. 2022. 4FJ: Set sizes & legal sizes for common food fish [Ruler] cChange, the Ministry of fisheries of Fiji, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network and the Pacific Community. https://purl.org/spc/digilib/doc/z6fz5
2024. 4FJ - Kusima Time! Featuring Fish with Vudi. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Campaign Information Tools. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2021. 4FJ Fish Smart Champion - Suliasi Vakatawa - Yasawa i Rara. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2021. 4FJ Fish Smart Champion - Temalesi Biuvakawalu. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2021. 4FJ Fish Smart Champion - Vikatoria Ragusu. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2021. 4FJ Fish Smart Champion: Lance Seeto. 4FJ Fish Smart. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 10: Our Challenges in the Face of Adversity: Covid19. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 11: Fishing Down the Food Chain. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 12: In the eyes of the Market Vendor. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 13: Preview to the Kawakawa and Donu spawning season. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 14: The harmful effects of night time spear fishing. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 15: Keep the pledge: Kawakawa and Donu. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 16: Night time spear fishing and poaching. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 17: Ban on beche-de-mer lifted, what you need to know. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 18: Revisiting the lifting of the BDM Ban (Part 2). 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community
2022. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show 19: How big are your catches. 4FJ Fish Smart Radio Show. cChange, the Locally-Managed Marine Area Network, and the Pacific Community