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2021. Ma vie de bêche-de-mer en Océanie Ep3 - Identifier les produits secs. Sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer in the Pacific Islands - Ma vie de bêche-de-mer. Communauté du Pacifique
2022. The Fisher's Tales S2 Ep1 (Tuvaluan) - A fisher's dream. The Fisher's Tales. The Pacific Community
2022. The Fisher's Tales S2 Ep3 (Tuvaluan) - Protecting homes. The Fisher's Tales. The Pacific Community
2022. Guardians of the Pacific S1 Ep08: William, Papua New Guinea. Guardians of the Pacific - Les gardiens du Pacifique. The Pacific Community
2022. Gardiens du Pacifique S1 Ep16 : Falakiko, Wallis et Futuna. Guardians of the Pacific - Les gardiens du Pacifique.
2022. Sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer in the Pacific Islands Ep1 - The lives of sea cucumber. Sea cucumbers and beche-de-mer in the Pacific Islands - Ma vie de bêche-de-mer. The Pacific Community
2022. 08 - How to extract samples from a small tuna - Pacific Fish biosampling. Biosampling of Pacific tuna.
2022. 003 - Biological sampling of lagoon reef fish: Preparing for dissection. Biological sampling of lagoon reef fish.
. FADs Anchor System. Fish smart. Set FADs.
2021. FADs Mooring Line System. Fish smart. Set FADs.