Raise your issues

Ensure that the community is aware, concerned and willing to take action

It is important for communities to talk about the changes and challenges they are facing. Can you sit together in small groups and talk about changes you have seen? Are your catches declining? Are you going further and taking longer to catch fish?

Community readiness must be assessed at the very outset – at the first meeting with community leaders.


Agree on the key goals – the desired results

Goals must be set by the community even if developed with advice from a facilitator. An example of a narrow but important goal would be “to ensure that catches of seafood continue to be sufficient to feed our community.

A broader goal would be “to manage the land, water and living things in order to provide continuing food and other resources for the community.” 

The goal, or goals, must be widely agreed on by the community and consistent with national policies. 

Next step

Make rules
Make rules

Agree on a management plan with the actions or steps needed to achieve the goal.
