

Implementation of the Pacific Framework Action for Scaling Up Community-based Fisheries Management

CBFM logo workshop


For Pacific people, coastal fisheries are fundamental for supporting their livelihoods, nutrition and health, culture, and economies. However, it is only in the last 30 years or so that fisheries policies in the Pacific Islands region have come to recognise the significant contributions of coastal fisheries and only in the last decade has this translated to the need for management underpinned by community-based fisheries management (CBFM) approaches.

The Future of Fisheries Roadmap and the Noumea Strategy provide the regional context for managing coastal resources in ways that are underpinned by CBFM. The need to scale-up CBFM has led to the approval and endorsement of the Pacific Framework for Action on Scaling up CBFM: 2021 – 20253 by the Heads of Fisheries and Fisheries Ministers, respectively.

Next year marks the final year of the current CBFM Framework for Action, and subsequently, it is timely to now bring together Pacific Islanders experiences in CBFM to share experiences and lessons learned. These experiences will assist with scaling up CBFM in the Pacific Islands region, identifying and prioritising key areas and associated priority actions. This is to ensure that the Pacific people will continue to have healthy coastal fisheries and sustainable and resilient livelihoods which are critical to the wellbeing in an uncertain future.

Official contacts

Watisoni Lalavanua, Community-Based Fisheries Adviser
email: [email protected], [email protected]



Agenda and participants

Papers and outcomes

Day 1 - Monday 29 April 2024

Session 1: Status of Scaling up CBFM in the Pacific

Session 2: Defining CBFM and CBFM scaling in the Pacific Context

Day 2 - Tuesday 30 April 2024

Session 3: CBFM Monitoring

Session 4: MCSE for CBFM

Day 3 - Wednesday 1 May 2024

Session 5: Information and awareness

Day 4 - Thursday 2 May 2024

Session 6a: Addressing external and non-fisheries threats

Session 6b: Gender and Social Inclusion

Session 7: CBFM Networks

Day 5 - Friday 3 May 2024

Session 8: Synergies and Mismatches between Conservation and Fisheries

Session 9: Looking forward to and beyond 2025

Session 10: Forums for promoting Scaling up of CBFM



CBFM workshop online bannerThis workshop is financially supported by the European Union, the Government of Sweden, the Australian Aid Programme and the New Zealand Aid Programme. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the Government of Sweden, the Government of Australia, and the Government of New Zealand.​


Joint Event
Pacific Community
Start Date
End Date