Over 200 small-scale fishers, fisheries associations, non-governmental organizations and government representatives from more than 40 countries gathered in Rome at the Small-Scale Fisheries Summit (SSF Summit) to highlight the role played by coastal communities in global food production and to call for increased support to improve their sustainability and social well-being.
The event was organized by the IPC Working Group on Fisheries, the Small-Scale Fisheries Resource and Collaboration Hub (SSF Hub) and the Mediterranean platform Friends of SSF and coordinated by the GFCM and WWF, with support from FAO, to celebrate the International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022) prior to the FAO Committee on Fisheries (COFI).
The SSF Summit aimed to promote dialogue and collaboration between and among small-scale fishers, fish farmers, fishworkers, governments and other key partners along the value chain, as well as further strengthen their capacity to enhance sustainability in fisheries and aquaculture and to improve their social development and well-being.