Fish and People videos

Fish and People has been scripted by Simon Foale and Russell Kelley, and assembled and edited by Digital Dimensions and Eco Media Production Group. Fish and People is a 60-minute production divided into five 12-minute educational modules explaining what fisheries scientists call ‘the stock-recruitment relationship’ in an easily accessible manner and with a carefully crafted portfolio of explanatory graphics and natural history photography. It deals with species that are of economic (and ecological) importance and thus immediately familiar to a Pacific audience. It is tailored for middle and upper high school students and is accompanied by a comprehensive teacher’s guide.

Module 1 - Plenty more fish in the sea? This module explores the reality that all fisheries have limits.
Module 2 - Where do fish come from? This module explores introduces the basics of the life cycles of fish and other marine animals. 
Module 3 - How to make a fish! This module explores biological and ecological features of marine animals that affect the way their populations respond to fishing.
Module 4 - Larvae as ocean travellers This module explores the factors affecting dispersal distance of larvae of different marine animals and why this matters for fisheries management.
Module 5 - Fish & People, today and tomorrow Module 5 explores the factors affecting human populations and fishing pressure.
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A research paper that outlines in detail the justification for producing Fish and People is here: Foale S., Cohen P., Januchowski S., Wenger A., Macintyre M. (2011) Tenure and taboos: origins and implications for fisheries in the Pacific. Fish and Fisheries 12, 357-369.

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