Nutrients and sediments

Image: © Karim Iliya, SPC


To gain access to full information on nutrients and sediments, download the information sheet produced by the LMMA Network and SPC.


What are nutrients and sediments? 

A nutrient is any substance that is needed by a plant or animal for food. Nutrients are therefore required by all living things. In relation to the effects on coastal waters, we are mainly concerned about nutrients that are dissolved in, or are carried by, water.

Silt consists of small particles that can be carried in water and may settle on the sea floor as sediments. 

Nutrients and silt are present in most coastal waters and problems occur only when these are present in large quantities. Rain washes nutrients and silt from the land into the sea and rivers, a process often referred to as “runoff.”

How can we control nutrients and sediments in coastal waters?

Excessive loads of sediment and nutrients in runoff and in coastal waters are mainly due to the poor management of land-use.

Ideally, government authorities should work with farmers, developers and communities to promote more sustainable land-use practices in what is often called Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Some possible actions are listed below.


Related resources

Nutrients and sediments
 Information sheet 27: Nutrients and sediments

To gain access to full information on nutrients and sediments, download the information sheet.
